Lista e-książek
Książki online
- Berger, Sicker: Classics in spectroscopy : isolation and structure elucidation of natural products
- Büchel: Industrial inorganic chemistry
- Eicher, Hauptmann, Speicher: Chemistry of heterocycles : reactions, synthesis and applications
- Fleck, Petrosyan: Salts of amino acids : crystallization, structure and properties
- Gasteiger: Chemoinformatics : a textbook
- Hammes: Spectroscopy for the biological sciences
- Livingstone: A practical guide to scientific data analysis
- Magnasco: Models for bonding in chemistry
- Mason: A practical guide to magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy
- Meier: Statistical methods in analytical chemistry, Second Edition
- Meyer: Practical high-performance liquid chromatography
- Mikkelsen: Bioanalytical chemistry
- Monk: Fundamentals of electroanalytical chemistry
- Weissermel: Industrial organic chemistry
- Xu: Ferroelectric materials and their applications
- Yang: Applied numerical methods using MATLAB